“Unleashed” Podcast: A Producer’s Guide to Indie Film with Avi Federgreen
“Unleashed” – Avi’s new podcast
“Unleashed” – Avi’s new podcast
It’s good to be back to writing this Blog…it’s been way too long. Almost 8 years in fact. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote in this blog….many films produced and I even got to direct my first short film RED BALLOON and then my first feature A FAMILY SEDUCTION. What has not changed is my passion for telling important stories like ONE WEEK, STILL MINE, KISS & CRY and my recent directorial debut short film RED BALLOON.
Many of you have heard me speak on a number of occasions about the fact that we need to think about how we are making films. The days of getting access to lots of government funding to assist us in financing our films are gone, the number of funders that we can access is at an all time low and the amount of money they have to support our films is diminishing. So what’s the answer to all of these challenges? How do we make films if we can’t access BIG money through conventional funding sources? Well like many of…
It’s becoming harder and harder to finance your films no matter where you are in the world. The normal funding agencies don’t have as much money to shell out to as many projects anymore so we have to find new ways of raising money to make our films moving forward. Sure, there is the chance that you might meet someone or some company that might be willing to invest their money into your film. The problem is, and I will be the first one to admit, that these people are really hard to find. I have found a few over…
Well it’s that time again…yup that’s right TIFF is here! Do you think you’re prepared for one of the biggest and most important festivals, markets and opportunities to pitch your film in the world? TIFF is one of the best times to pitch your film to producers and/or distributors and you want to make sure you’re ready.
I have just come back from Gimli, Manitoba where they held their 12th annual film festival. I was invited to attend not only to screen MOON POINT (Sean Cisterna) and a short film I also Executive Produced entitled HIDDEN DRIVEWAY (Sarah Goodman), but also to sit on a panel and moderate another. Both panels were lively, informative and presented to full houses.
Many emotional conversations took place in Gimli over the last four days that continue to give me affirmation of my passion for what I do for a living, and why I do it. Especially when for the most part…
I want to thank Sean Cisterna for the quote and title for this installment of my blog. The quote says it all really. This is the mindset you have to have to make films now. You can’t take “NO” for an answer anymore. Yes it’s really hard to make films now and the well of funding money is getting shallower and shallower but you need to find other ways to make your film and be creative about how you make them. A good producer is able to think outside the box and find ways of…
As many of you may know it’s getting harder and to finance films today so being selective on the projects that you want to do is even more important than ever. Here are a few of the many things your have to think about when considering taking on a project.
I want to thank you for checking out my blog. The reason I decided to start this blog was that I get asked all the time about what I do for a living ..that being a producer of mostly low budget indie films in Canada. It seems that the wave of the future is to make low budget films…great stories, turned into great films, made for a very small amount of money. It’s difficult to make films today in Canada with the limitations in access to funding, and now more than ever filmmakers are trying to find ways to finance…