I want to thank you for checking out my blog. The reason I decided to start this blog was that I get asked all the time about what I do for a living ..that being a producer of mostly low budget indie films in Canada. It seems that the wave of the future is to make low budget films…great stories, turned into great films, made for a very small amount of money. It’s difficult to make films today in Canada with the limitations in access to funding, and now more than ever filmmakers are trying to find ways to finance their indie films by whatever means necessary. I think that this will become the rule and not the exception. We as filmmakers need to think outside the box about the type of films we want to make. We need to think about how we will be able to achieve our goals for a small amount of money while at the same time make a great film that can be seen by audiences not only in Canada but around the world…and of course make money for everyone involved. We need to find other ways of monetizing our films…things like books, soundtracks, merchandise, and other ways of making money from the film. Just making a film and getting it out there is not sustainable anymore.
What I am suggesting might seem radical to some but it’s what I believe must be done in order to continue to make films in Canada. What my hope is through this blog is that we create a conversation. Like I always say…how do you know when you have made a good film? It’s when your audience goes for a coffee or drink right after watching your film and spend hours talking about it. What you’ve done is create conversation. Conversation is the best form of advertising there is.
My hope is that the conversation created will benefit all who reads, including me. I surely don’t have all the answers but I know we can find them together. As the blog site grows there will be helpful links for everyone to access to help you in making your films a reality. Whether it be access to the various funding sites, access to the newest filmmaking technology, access to other industry veterans sites and many other tools.
Well that’s it now …keep checking in and I hope you enjoy my blog!